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5 Simple Lifestyle Changes for Sustainability

SCGP 5 Simple Lifestyle
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5 Simple Lifestyle Changes for Sustainability

Today, a sustainable lifestyle has become a growing trend among the young generation who have become cautious of social and environmental issues. To embrace a sustainable lifestyle, look at the five following factors of our lives. If we choose wisely about these factors, we are on our path towards upholding sustainability.

1. Food
Let’s think about how our food and beverages in each meal are produced and processed, and how leftovers will be disposed. If we eat less meat and more of cereals, fruits, vegetables, or plant-based protein, we help curb excessive meat production. When we go green on our diet, it is best to opt for cooking techniques that involve minimum processing.

2. Housing
Be cautious of housing materials and the number of air conditioners as well as electrical appliances we have at home. It is best to choose eco-friendly materials and use solar power instead of electricity. If possible, go for energy-saving devices and avoid emitting greenhouse gases.

3. Transportation
Public and private transport has environmental impacts. Have we still used vehicles with poor combustion systems? Let’s jump electric trains to reduce pollution. For a sustainable planet, support infrastructure that eases environmental impacts and benefits society in the long run.

4. Leisure
Are our hobbies and destinations friendly to the environment? Today, some tour operators have offered ecotourism. It is possible to dive and snorkel without harming coral reefs and the natural habitats of aquatic animals. These tour operators have also banned plastic usage at attractions and national parks. Are we ready to support such tour services?

5. Consumer Goods
Most consumer goods are manufactured at factories and contain chemicals. Used frequently, they definitely pollute the environment. We therefore should consider using innovations that will curb waste. For example, we had better support snacks in biodegradable packaging and milk cartons with paper straws than those with plastic straws.

It is time to review our lifestyles. We don’t have to force ourselves to uphold sustainability causes. But where possible, we should pick the choices that cause minimum environmental impacts and care more about the world. When we do so, we will naturally find “the key” to a sustainable lifestyle.

A sustainable lifestyle has many benefits. In fact, it leads us to healthy diets and a better environment. We therefore will be rewarded with good health and a more livable planet. We can reduce global warming and solve the world’s garbage problem through our small acts. When we change our lifestyles towards sustainability, we will generate ripples across our societies.

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