SCGP Newsroom



SCGP received certification for the 2024 Carbon Footprint of Products from Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization

SCGP รับมอบประกาศนียบัตรรับรอง “คาร์บอนฟุตพริ้นท์”
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Mr. Pongpanu Svetarundra, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization presented the 2024 Carbon Footprint of Products certificate to SCGP, represented by Mr. Ekaraj Niroj, Chief Operating Officer of Consumer and Performance Packaging Business. The certified products include pulp, printing and writing paper, packaging paper, plastic packaging, fiber packaging, foodservice packaging, printing and paper packaging producing processes, copy paper and foodservice packaging (Fest) that can indicate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions to promote the use of packaging that reduces greenhouse gas emissions. SCGP has committed to the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030 (compared to the base year of 2020) and achieving Net Zero emissions goal by 2050 by prioritizing clean energy sourcing to substitute fossil fuels, develop energy efficiency technology, and supporting business partners and customers in reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the value chain to help reduce the impact of climate change.

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