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Select Service Mind + Tech to Impress Digital-Age Customers

Select Service Mind + Tech to Impress Digital-Age Customers Service Mind + Tech to Impress Digital-Age Customers
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As digital trends have been growing in society, enterprises as well as employees face the challenge of keeping pace with rapid changes. a LOT’s interview with Mrs. Jindapa “Aor” Preechayangkoon, Customer Services Director of SCGP, reveals how our company has served our customers over time. Mrs. Jindapa used to visit customers at home before the company launched SCGP Contact Center. Today, it has even integrated AI (artificial intelligence).

Product Changes in Response to Digital Trends

After receiving a master of business administration and marketing, Mrs. Jindapa joined SCGP as a market researcher. Based at the Planning Office, she learned about every product of the company and gathered customer insights via market surveys / research. She was later appointed the Planning and Market Analysis Manager at Siam Kraft Industry Company Limited. After her stint there, she returned to SCGP as its Marketing Services Manager. With further promotion, her current position is Customer Services Director.

“I am now in charge of managing customers’ purchase orders. I am also planning products to ensure they match customers’ needs. Product planning requires coordination with the production planning unit and all units related to selling platforms. I have even dealt with Strategic Supply Chain, Advanced Data Science, and Information Technology in support of SCGP’s plan to fast handle purchase orders from digital-age customers for proper product delivery.

“The arrival of digital trends seriously affected our businesses in the beginning as it curbed paper demand. Noticing the trends, we developed new products like food-grade paper and foodservice packaging. We have even created new distribution channels to enhance access to consumers. Our customer base therefore has expanded from B2B to B2C. Today, we have operated online and e-Commerce channels, which are parts of our digital transformation.”

Reading Customers’ Mind with AI for Fast & Efficient Services

“The number of our customers has now increased through B2B, B2B2C, B2C, Retail Sales, and e-Commerce sectors. Purchase orders get smaller and more diverse, though. So, our selling system must be able to serve various groups of customers efficiently and fast. Our backdoor system must enable us to see the status of progress for each purchase order–from the production process to the delivery to customers.

“In my view, AI usage will increase. It will help more with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Optical Characteristic Recognition (OCR), which transforms images into text. Through such applications, workloads on human staff reduce and so does the risk of errors related to repetitive tasks. Jobs can also be done faster, paving the way for human staff to focus better on strategic and creative thinking. Backed by AI, chatbot not only supports customers’ product searches and answers their simple questions. We expect AI to become more sophisticated and more understanding of customers’ needs. Customized analytics and communications will be possible with Humanized Chatbot (ML/AI), which promise to not just ease human staff’s workload further but also respond faster and better to customers’ needs.

“Although digital technology has increased work efficiency, it won’t replace humans. It can’t compare to humans in terms of complex problem solving and ability to create customer satisfaction. AI only helps support customer services via data analytics. So, its integration into work process will satisfy customers and strengthen our customer relationships.”

Move Faster Than Changing World

“SCGP has set up Technology and Digital Platform (TDP) team to support work systems as we have adapted to the changing world. In addition, we have constantly upskilled and reskilled our staff. Our employees are expected to keep pace with evolving technologies including so that they can apply tech solutions for their work and organization.

“It is important to communicate with employees to boost their understanding of how crucial digital technology is for enhanced efficiency. We must encourage employees to participate in the improvement process. We need to nudge them to share ideas and experiences. We must learn and act together while embracing a customer or consumer-centric approach.

“My life / work philosophy is that one must keep learning because the world is always evolving. We must stay one step ahead or at least keep pace with what has been happening. Trials may go wrong but we can learn from mistake. We must be resilient and adaptive. We should try adjusting the work approach to simplify tasks. Let’s look for a Lean Process and upgrade efficiency further. Have trust in our team and support one another. Together, we can drive our organization ahead.”

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