SCGP Newsroom

3 Tangible Aspects of Sustainability

At the mention of sustainability, some think of environmental care, some think of modern development, while some others think of the quality of life. While interpretations may vary, they are in fact about one same goal.


ESG: Shield in Times of Change


ESG principle generally sustains businesses in the face of challenges. The environmental aspect of sustainability provides the efficient use of resources and minimization of adverse environmental impacts. The social aspect prescribes equality, care for vendors/customers, and good community relations. The governance aspect, meanwhile, upholds transparency, fosters innovation, and pursues proper risk management. So, if companies embrace ESG, they are set to enjoy profitability as well as sustainable growth.


ESG & Sustainable Investment


ESG is directly related to “Sustainable Investment”. For such investment, investors focus on ESG as well as financial performance of a company. S&P, which compiles the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (D.JSI), advises companies must accord importance to building investors’ wealth and long-term risk management. A company that pollutes the air, ignores local communities, and engages in bribery, after all, risks being sued. Their survival and sustainable growth are at risk.


SCGP has always complied with ESG framework, thus enjoying both continued growth and investors’ trust. Not only SCGP has published Sustainability Report but also committed to “Sustainable Development Goals” for its strategic operations. For Environmental, SCGP has reduced resource/energy use to maintain ecological balance in the long run. For Social, SCGP has conducted fair business operations with social responsibility, employee welfare, and commitment to quality-of-life enhancement. For Economic, SCGP focuses on not just profit but also value creation. It seeks to respond to the needs of all stakeholder groups, keep pace with the changing world, and encourage the business sector to embrace Corporate Governance in pursuit of sustainability.


In the face of various challenges and volatile situations, the industrial sector will need to adapt and uphold ESG. SCGP, with its clear guideline, has successfully built its business strengths and delivered good things to society.



ESG Factors


Environmental (E)

1. Energy Management

2. Water Management

3. Waste & Pollution Management

4. Greenhouse Gas Management


Social (S)

5. Labor Practice

6. Responsibility towards Customers

7. Community Development


Governance (G)

8. Corporate Governance

9. Risk Management

10. Supply Chain Management

11. Innovation

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