SCGP Newsroom

Flairosol, a refillable spray package that delivers very fine mist without making more waste

Generally, spray packages are divided into two types; the pressurized package that provides fine mist but is a singleused container and the pumping package which can be refilled but the mist is not as delicate as that of the first one.

Therefore, SCGP introduces Flairosol, an exclusive agent by Conimex. This spray package responds to the need for a spray bottle that is reusable, welldesigned, userfriendly and environmentally friendly and, at the same time, delivers an ultrafine mist.

Flairosol, an exclusive agent by Conimex, is an innovative spray package. This refill container is convenient and easy to use, giving highquality mist that can spread evenly on various types of surfaces across a wide range of applications: for household use, personal care, pet care, plant care, and car care etc.

  • The spray dispenser is unique and different. Its nonpressurized container gives the finest nano mist and is reusable, helping to reduce resource consumption.
  • It delivers continuous and consistent fine mist that covers the surface evenly, with liquid output of 1.20 cc (+/- 0.20 cc) per one spraying at the duration of 1.05 seconds +/- 0.2 seconds.
  • It is easy to usesimply turn the spray nozzle open and refill the solution. No battery or charger is needed.
  • It can contain several kinds of liquid such as mineral water, air or fabric freshener, liquid cleaner, including alcoholcontaining liquid, but it is not suitable for a solution with highconcentration of oil.
  • It is safe. Because of its nonpressurized container, there are no propellant gases that can be easily flammable if leaked.
  • There are two sizes for selection: 160ml and 300ml. suitable for a variety of applications.

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