SCGP joins hands with MCOT in launching the “MCOT Cares: Paper-Cycle Separation, Exchange, Renew Project” to promote sharing on waste separation for reuse and increase participation among MCOT employees in the headquarters and the regions. They have separated and collected 3 types of wastepaper in the office: carton box, black and white paper, and mixed types of paper, and delivered them to the SCGP Recycle team to properly recycle. The used paper has also been exchanged for new office paper. The goal in 2023 is to collect 3,000 kilograms of used paper and send them to the recycling process in exchange for over 100 reams of new paper.
This project expands the network of sustainability partners of SCGP Recycle, through knowledge promoting and behavior creating for waste materials segregation at sources, from the consumers’ hand. Allowing resources to be circulated for efficient use according to The Circular Economy principle, reducing the amount of contaminated waste that cannot be recycled. As a result, they must be disposed of by incineration or landfill. which contributes to the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases that cause global warming problems.